What is Causing that Bad taste?

Chemical or biological contaminants are probably the reason your well water no longer tastes fresh and healthy. Have a look at this list to identify which contaminant culprit might be ruining your water:

  • Hydrogen sulfide gas: If your water tastes or smells like rotten eggs, then you have hydrogen sulfide gas in your pipes. It likely seeped in from the soil surrounding your well.

  • Chlorine: Cities often use chlorine to treat their water. They are supposed to filter it out, but if your water tastes or smells like a swimming pool, then chlorine is contaminating your water.

  • Iron, lead, mercury, or other metals: Your well water will have a distinctly metallic taste if this is the containment culprit. You should have it tested immediately for lead or mercury content because these metals are dangerous to your health! If iron has contaminated your water, you’ll know immediately, because the water will be rusty brown. And while it is disgusting, it’s not dangerous.

  • Sediment: When your water has a musty, earthy, or moldy smell and taste, and comes out looking cloudy, then you have sediment of some kind in your well water.

  • PVC pipe glue: When you install new pipes attaching your well to your house, the glue needs to gas off before use. If it doesn’t have time to adequately gas off, it could temporarily contaminate your water.

  • Coliforms/bacteria: If your water tastes bad and makes you feel sick afterwards, it may be full of bacteria. Stop drinking it immediately and get your well water tested.

How can you fix it?

Different causes come with different solutions. For example, you’ll need to use carbon filtration to take care of chlorine, iron, and hydrogen sulfide gas. However, you’ll use a sediment filter to eliminate the cloudy look and moldy taste of a sediment
contamination. Sometimes replacing the pipes is all you need to do to take care of the problem.

The bad news comes when you are dealing with something more serious like coliforms; you may have to dig an entirely new well. Ask the specialist in your area about your best course of action or Valley Pump Inc.  We can answer any questions you might have about this and other inquiries about the general maintenance of your well.